Thursday, November 6, 2014

I totally failed!

So yesterday I totally "failed" my "diet". Out of sheer laziness I ate a bag of tortilla chips with salsa and a package of gram crackers for dinner. I started my day eating bananas for breakfast then peas and rice with greens for lunch. I came home and had a quick snack before school.

Unfortunately, I had so much work after school that needed to be completed by 12am. I totally skipped making dinner and went straight to a snack food meal. I didn't want to cook. I didn't feel like heating up a frozen meal that I had prepared. I was just hungry and wanted something quick and calorie packed. Of course it was not healthy and unfortunately it was fatty and processed (I am paying the yucky tummy consequences today). I think that's one of the few downfalls to eating high calorie and large quantity. I'm so used to eating large quantities that when I go to foods like chips or the like, I eat tons. Note, that's not a complaint because I don't do it often. I don't need to! My body is getting what it needs and I don't have cravings.

Am I beating myself up about this though? Absolutely not! My wish is that everyone would feel this way. Just because you veered off course yesterday does NOT mean you are a total failure. If I beat myself up over every imperfection, I would be beating myself up even more a year from now after "quitting". It's not too hard! Its worth trying! I am worth the try and I wish everyone else would tell themselves that THEY are worth the try as well. I personally am not striving for perfection every day--just a speck of consistency most days. And the days I break my consistency are no big deal because in the grand scheme of things me eating bag of tortilla chips for dinner isn't going to matter. It's just a drop in the bucket to what I'm doing and have been doing for months. Still going strong.

Whit Whitley
#vegan #vegaweightloss #highcarb #highcarbvegan #hclf #vegetarian #rtf #rt4 #rawtill4 #rawtill4success #veganlife #veganstyle #meatlessmonday

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